Author: Mahmul Yakin

The use of mass media has a big influence on the delivery of health messages, especially informing pregnant women about the use of Fe tablets so that pregnant women get information about Fe tablets which influences their behavior. Some of the research on the use of carriers in pregnant women, namely Emirates research in (2001), stated that SMS reminders were effective in complying with the consumption of iron tablets in pregnant women at the Cibuntu Community Health Center UPT, Bandung City.

An Alma Ata University Health study argues that the role of digital media facilitates pregnant women’s access to information about pregnancy to increase their knowledge.

Media exposure is effective in increasing awareness of antenatal care services (Ghosh, 2006). The statement of  disseminating information using SMS (short message service) for the educational needs of pregnant women to prevent listeriosis during pregnancy is very helpful for health workers in disseminating information (Cates, Carter-Young, Conley, & O’Brien, 200). In addition, research findings of Acharya, Khanali, Singh, Adhikari and Gautam (2015) found that mass media had a positive impact on prenatal care in Nepal to increase women’s pregnancy awareness.

The research results of Herlina, Sanjaya and Emilia (2013) show that the implementation of the SMS reminder model as a means of health promotion in Astambul District, Banjar Regency is effective in providing health information to increase knowledge of pregnant women. women complications and  nutritional intake during pregnancy. Kuspriyadi and Hadi (2010) found that pregnant women who received nutrition education and nutritional messages via SMS had better knowledge, behavior and adherence to taking iron tablets compared to pregnant women who only received as much nutrition education (comparison).

High stickiness can increase hemoglobin levels significantly. It turns out that health education for pregnant women can improve the health of pregnant women and babies. Apart from that, it was found that SMS Gateway which contains information about pregnancy, prayer and illness is able to increase pregnant women’s knowledge about the problems they experience and how to overcome them in an Islamic way.

(Yulian, Widodo and Sudaryanto, 2015). Research conducted by Yani, A., Sirio, S. and Jafar, N. (2017) states that the use of SMS reminders to convey information to pregnant women has a significant impact on behavior change. Correct Number. A study by Megawati, M., Syria, S., Ngatim, R. and Yani, A. (2018) argues that using technology, such as creating visual models of  “TB monopoly simulation games” increases knowledge.

This refers to the competency communication theory put forward by Spitzberg and Cupach in (Liliweri, 2007), which reveals that individuals change their attitudes (effective communication) when the source of information is competence; knowledge about what is being communicated, communication skills and communication motivation expressed through information sources.

This means that if the communicator’s knowledge about the message being conveyed is complete, the communicator can communicate and explain the motivation for the communication, then it will effectively change the target’s attitude. In addition, the learning hierarchy theory (Gagne, 1968) requires that changes in people’s attitudes due to exposure to information have a relatively fixed sequence.

Changes in attitudes begin with changes in information, with the use of technology in health  this means that individuals prioritize attention, awareness, trust and understanding in decision making, attitudes towards receiving reasonable, reasonable messages, especially when delivered by information sources. logically acceptable.

For friends who want to learn more about the world of technology, you can stop by the best information study program at Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta:



Yani, A., Syria, S., & Jafar, N. (2017). The Effect of SMS Reminder on the Behavior of Pregnant Women Taking Fe Tablets. Indonesian Public Health Media, 13(1), 12-20.

Yulian, V., Widodo, A., & Sudaryanto, A. (2015). Community Empowerment and SMS Services to Improve Maternal Health in an Islamic Nursing Context.


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