Software engineering
Graduates of the S1 Informatics in Software Engineering profile are able to integrate technical and academic skills to design, build, implement, develop, test and maintain software by expressing the Islamic values of Muttaqin Ahlussunnah wal jama’ah AnNahdliyah in attitudes and behavior.
Data Science (Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Analyst)
Bachelor of Informatics graduates in the Data Science profile are able to be tasked with integrating technical and academic skills in development and optimization, cleaning, processing, processing, visualization and data analysis (Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Analyst) which will be used for decision making by expressing values Islam is Muttaqin Ahlussunnah wal jama’ah AnNahdliyah in attitudes and behavior.
Bachelor of Informatics graduates in the Researcher profile are able to master theoretical concepts regarding medical informatics and health informatics, software engineering and data science. Mastering the basic knowledge that supports the design and development of a comprehensive, sustainable system and adhering to scientific principles in research according to the field of expertise pursued and readiness to learn in other fields of expertise by expressing the Islamic values of Muttaqin Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah AnNahdliyah in attitudes and behavior.
Bachelor of Informatics graduates in the E-Business (Technopreneurship) profile have the ability to build business networks, have sales skills and know business ethics and are able to capture global and local environmental issues that are relevant to the development of action-oriented medical and health information technology. , think simply, look for and pursue the best business opportunities with high discipline and provide added value to what is available, able to make appropriate decisions by expressing the Islamic values of Muttaqin Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah An-Nahdliyah in attitudes and behavior.