Utilization of Technology in Academic Environments

Utilization of Technology in Academic Environments

Author; Sri Sumaryani

Utilization of Technology in the Academic Environment Transforming the Academic Environment Through the Use of Technology

“Optimizing the Potential of Technology in the Context of an Academic Environment”

The education sector can be used as an idea for the globalization era which requires the world of education to follow changes and developments in increasingly advanced technology so that it can support the learning process. In an academic environment, you can discuss the learning process such as changing learning systems, distance learning systems, media and teacher responses. Technological developments  have spread to the world from elementary school to tertiary education. Either in the process or in the results of lectures. that the presence of educational technology in education has the potential to: (1) increase educational productivity, such as speeding up learning stages, (2) students can easily learn independently, (3) students can understand scientifically the teaching material, (4) more convincing learning, ( 5) students can access the material quickly, and (6) the presentation of the material is broader. This makes the presence of information technology in the academic world have a positive effect. Both in planning, process, or in lecture results.

The various extraordinary capabilities of technology should be utilized in the world of education and information presentation. namely a condition that describes the level of effectiveness of learning. Effective learning is learning that facilitates students actively interacting with various learning resources so that students achieve learning goals effectively, efficiently and enjoyable (attractive). Improving the quality of learning means efforts are made to realize and achieve the expected level of learning quality. Technology in learning can be divided into two roles, namely: (1) as a learning presentation medium, for example in the form of power point slides and animations with flash programs; (2) as an independent learning media or E-Learning, for example students are given assignments to read or search for sources on the internet, send assignment answers, and even try and carry out learning material. Through E-Learning, learning is no longer limited by time and space. Learning can be done anytime and anywhere. This encourages students to carry out analysis and synthesis of knowledge, explore, manage and utilize information, produce their own writing, information and knowledge. Students are stimulated to explore science. Facilities that students can use to learn through E-Learning include: E-Books, E-Libraries, interaction with experts, email, mailing lists, News Groups, and others.


Utilization of  Technology in the Academic  Environment

Taking advantage of the learning process and various applications that can be used to help teachers in their learning. During the presentation of this material, it was seen how the participants responded positively, sometimes during the presentation

questions that arise from training participants. This is because some participants are not yet familiar with these applications, but they show their desire to learn by occasionally asking questions. In this session, applications are also offered that will be focused on deepening, because it is impossible for all applications to be given and mastered in a short activity like this. The applications offered are flash, e-learning, learning management system and Microsoft Word. It was agreed by all participants that Flash, e-learning and learning management systems were only an introduction, while Microsoft Word was a little more in-depth because it related to their daily lives. The activity continued with an introduction to flash applications for learning, on

In this material, participants are given an introduction and several flash examples which can increase students’ interest in learning due to the attractive appearance so as not to cause boredom in learning, followed by opening a question and answer session. During this question and answer session, the enthusiasm of the participants was visible with many questions, especially regarding the subjects they held whether it was possible or not to use flash applications.

The material continues regarding the introduction of e-learning as a distance learning application, which has many shortcomings, especially the facilities and infrastructure, it is still very difficult to implement e-learning applications like this, so teachers are not very enthusiastic when they realize that to use it, it requires skills as well as supporting facilities, However, to provide knowledge, teachers become more aware that e-learning is very beneficial for the learning process. The activity continued with material introducing the learning management system, which this application makes possible

Enable teachers to manage their learning activities, starting from managing the class, managing materials, creating question banks to evaluating their learning. This is something that is interesting for teachers and is valuable knowledge, but they realize that in terms of human resources capabilities and facilities, this takes time for them to master and implement it. Meanwhile, the practical or training material focuses on optimizing Microsoft Word in writing scientific papers. This can be done because they usually use Word for daily typing, but how to optimize it, they don’t know or master it. So when this material is carried out, the focus is not on the basics of word but on how to support the implementation of learning, namely:

(1) improving the quality of learning;

(2) expanding access to education and learning;

(3) helps visualize abstract ideas;

(4) make it easier to understand the material being studied;

(5) displaying learning material to be more interesting; And

(6) allows interaction between learning and the material being studied.

For friends who want to learn more about the world of technology, you can stop by the best informatics study program at Alma Ata University, Yogyakarta:




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