Authentication Server as the Main Protector of Data Security
Author; Nurohman
Hi buddy! Have you ever thought about how important it is to keep our data safe online? In an increasingly sophisticated digital world, this is becoming increasingly crucial, you know. Imagine if your personal information fell into the wrong hands. It’s definitely going to be troublesome and even dangerous, right?
So, here I discuss the importance of authentication servers. In the informatics study program, the meaning of server authentication is the user verification process carried out by the server when the user wants to enter the system. This authentication process usually uses a name and password, or a password that matches the one entered when the process was first entered, and this information is stored in a database. If the entered data matches the database, the user has access to the system. Conversely, if it does not match the contents of the database, the system refuses user access. The importance of an authentication server is like a fortress that ensures only people who should be able to enter your account. There are many types of authentication currently used in the informatics study program, for example two-factor authentication. This authentication is one of the stronger types compared to password authentication. How could this happen? Because the authentication process does not only require a password to access the system.
Authentication Server as the Main Protector of Data Security in protecting data. Usually, the barrier is in the form of a special code sent to the user’s cellphone, known as a verification code. So with two-factor authentication, even if the password is leaked, it is difficult to hack the system without knowing the code.
What is the use of authentication server?
The role of the authentication server is to verify the identity of users entering the system. It can also be used to restrict access to data through security systems, i.e. prevents users from logging out if an incorrect password is entered. And it is equally important to protect user data from unauthorized access. Since identity, account, and data theft is common in today’s world, authentication servers can be used to reduce cybercrime.
What is an authentication server?
The role of the authentication server is to verify the identity of users who log in to the system. It can also be used to restrict access to data through security systems, such as preventing a user from logging out if an incorrect password is entered. And it is equally important to protect user data from unauthorized access. Since identity, account, and data theft is common in today’s world, authentication servers can be used to reduce cybercrime. So it can be concluded how important the authentication server is, because it really helps the authentication process. In this increasingly sophisticated era, the issue of personal data security has become very important. The rise of personal data leaks makes authentication a security system that can maintain the confidentiality of data and information in an account.
How the authentication server works:
When a client computer connects to a network, the authentication server queries the user’s identity (username and password) to match the information in the authentication server’s database and then determines whether the user is authorized. using services on a computer network. If the authentication and authorization process is successful, the reporting process is carried out, i.e. all user connection operations are recorded, the duration of data transfer performed by the user and the amount of data transfer. calculated.
Examples of authentication servers are Radius Server, proxy server with NCSA users, Samba server with authentication. The relationship between the function and operation of the authentication server is very close and mutually supportive, where authentication carried out by server authentication/user verification can support the implementation of information and network security. Authentication methods (Authentication) can be seen in the method category:
1.Something you know
Method This is the most common authentication method that is based on the confidentiality of information such as passwords and PINs. This method assumes that no one but you knows the secret.
2.Something you own
This is usually an additional factor that makes authentication more secure. This method relies on unique objects such as magnetic/smart cards, hardware tags, USB tags, etc. This method assumes that the object is owned by no one but you alone.
3.Something about you
This method is rarely used due to technical and human factors. This method is based on unique parts of your body that other people may not have, such as fingerprints, voice, or retinal impressions. This method assumes that body parts such as fingerprints and retinal impressions may not be the same as those of another person.
4.Something you do
Every user does things differently Example: Meuse voice analysis (speech recognition) and handwriting analysis Some commonly used authentication factor combinations include: Random number generating characters using smart codes. used with smart card sensitivity and PIN or password
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