6 TIPS for buying a second hand or used MacBook laptop

6 TIPS for buying a second hand or used MacBook laptop

6 TIPS for buying a second hand or used MacBook laptop



Author; Imam Suryadi

In the current era of the millennial generation, products made by companies with the Apple logo, including iPhones and Macbooks, have become one of the most popular brands. Informatics Study Program students, with all their knowledge about technology, are often part of this generation who are interested in having it. However, new prices which tend to be high often make millennials think again, and they start to consider the option of buying a second hand laptop. When deciding to buy a used laptop or Macbook, it’s best if someone is really smart in choosing so they don’t regret spending a lot of money. This is very relevant to the decisions taken by Informatics Study Program students who are always looking for a balance between limited budgets and high technology needs. Even though Apple products are used, they still have a higher price compared to other brand products, so this decision needs to be considered carefully by Informatics students who want to maximize the value of their money.

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Here are 6 TIPS for buying a second-hand MacBook laptop, aka used, and can be a reference for millennial friends when buying a used Macbook so you can get a unit that is in ‘good condition’


  1. Do research first

Determine the type and specifications to be purchased. Make sure it’s within your budget, guys, don’t be tempted by unreasonably cheap prices. Search from several sources, what is the price for the type of MacBook you want to buy. So you will know what the upper range and lower range are for the laptop.


  1. Check Completeness

So, this equipment can include a box book, magsafe charger, manual, warranty book and accessories.


  1. Check the MacBook serial number matches.

Checking the serial number is an important thing to do to see information regarding the warranty for the Macbook you are going to buy. You can open checkcoverage.apple.com then enter the serial number to see information about the MacBook warranty.


  1. Check the MacBook battery by looking at the number of cycle counts used on the Macbook

The cost of replacing spare parts for Apple products is not cheap, considering that these products have a high selling price. So, don’t buy a second hand Macbook only to find out that the battery is damaged and needs to be replaced immediately.

For this reason, it is important for users who want to buy a second-hand Macbook to check the health of the battery and its durability by looking at the cycle count. How to check this is by clicking on the Apple logo in the top left corner and selecting System Information. Then select ‘power’ and look for cycle count. Easy right? don’t miss it.


  1. Perform a test on Apple hardware (Apple hardware test)

This step is an important step and don’t forget it. This test is useful for finding out whether there are problems with the memory, logic board or other hardware.

The method is quite easy, you just need to unplug all external devices and turn off your Macbook. After that, turn it on again until you hear a beep, hold down the D button. Select an existing language, then press the arrow button to run the test.


  1. Check the screen, keyboard, front camera, speakers and of course physically.

Make sure there are no dead pixels on the screen. So, to ensure peace of mind that the second-hand Macbook screen you are going to buy is free of dead pixels, you can check it online using the services of LCD Tech. Next, to check the front camera, the easiest way is to open the photo booth on your Macbook. Or you can also use Apple’s built-in application ‘facetime’ to find out whether the camera is working properly or not.

Switching from the front camera, don’t forget to check the keyboard. This is quite and very important before you decide to buy a used Macbook. The method is not difficult, in fact quite easy. You can use the built-in text editor application from Apple to directly test whether the keyboard is working or not. Last but not least, you can provide audio on a used Macbook. The way to do this is by opening the music from the Macbook and listening to it carefully. Make sure the sound is clear and not broken, and also check the headphone port.

Those are 6 TIPS for buying a second hand or used MacBook laptop that you can use as a reference before buying a used Macbook, I hope this helps.

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Siska Arifa, “8 Things You Need to Pay Attention to Before Buying a Used Macbook,” IDN Times, Apr. 23, 2021. https://www.idntimes.com/tech/gadget/siska-arifa/8-hal-yang-perlu-diperhatikan-cepat-membeli-macbook-bekas-c1c2?page=all (ac

cessed May 23, 2023).

Ananda, “How to Check a Secondhand MacBook Before Buying a Used Laptop,” Best Seller Gramedia, Sep. 30, 2022. https://www.gramedia.com/best-seller/cara-memeriksa-macbook-second/ (accessed May 23, 2023).



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